Sunday, July 6, 2008

Summer fundraisers

Do you find summer to be a tough time to fundraise? Do you use the summer months in preparation for your fall and year end activities? Do you supplement your revenue through summer fundraisers, etc?


Randy said...

Our fiscal year ends in June which is a strong month for us and things begin to pick back up in September. July & August are traditionally slow so we have begun to run programs that are heavily participation and acquisition driven during those months. We know they are not going to be giant revenue producers so the goal is to cast a wide net hoping for broad (not deep) involvement which helps later in the year.

Anonymous said...

I think summer is slow mid June to mid August. During those times you should mail a more targeted mailing or do some acquisition type mailings. You always need to be in the mail. They need to know you are a live and well during this economic hard times. If you are out of site and out of mind someone else is getting the donation. Stay away from Holiday weekends for you mail other then that you should be fine.

jenn said...

The summer is a great time to do my planning for the next year. I live in a very seasonal (resort) town and the summers are so slow. I use the quiet down time to make sure all of my ducks are in a row for the fall. It saves me the postage of trying to mail to people who aren't home.

Dennis Fischman said...

We are mostly government-funded, so summers are busy preparing applications to submit in August or September for the fiscal year beginning October 1.

Anonymous said...

I write direct mail appeals, so this is the time when I start to work on fall mailings on donor renewal packages. My writing load starts to build up rapidly at the end of summer, as the most astute development people get started on their end-of-year packages. I've written so-called "Christmas appeals" during December and even January -- but you have to wonder how effective that is when other organizations have been making the ask since Thanksgiving.

Donald Cummings- Blue Haven Capital said...

My Rotary Club raises almost 3/4 of its annual budget at a local festival occuring in late June.
We were worried that this year wallets would be a bit tighter...but to our surprise, our fundraising raised 50% more than our historic best. We attribute it to people staying closer to home and using local venues for their entertainment, rather than driving elsewhere. We are happy, and all the local groups to which we contribute will be happy too!

Don Cummings
Blue Haven Capital